‘Some Like It Hot’ in Santa Ana

Some Like It Hot is showing at the Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, California at 7:30 pm next Wednesday, June 19, as part of the monthly Classic Movie Nights series. Arrive early for a 15-minute pre-screening lecture by writer and researcher Theo Siegel.

“Marilyn and famed comedy director Billy Wilder made magic together, and even though the filming of Some Like it Hot was, by all accounts, completely disastrous, you wouldn’t know it by watching. It was shot in black and white to disguise the pancake makeup worn by actors Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis, who are posing as women to hide from murderous mobsters. Marilyn sparkles as dumb-blonde bandleader Sugar Kane; her crooning of ‘I Wanna Be Loved by You’ can’t be missed.”

– Kara K. Nesvig, Teen Vogue