‘Blonde’ Director Upholds Final Cut at Netflix

Filmmaker Andrew Dominik’s rumoured dispute with Netflix over the final cut of his upcoming fictional biopic Blonde appears to have been resolved, as Jordan Ruimy reports for World of Reel. It is also thought that Blonde may be showcased at the Berlin Film Festival in early 2022. (The photo above shows the second cover in a two-volume Brazilian edition of Joyce Carol Oates’ novel.)

“Netflix has allowed Dominik to release the film as it was, unfiltered and without any cuts, maybe after realizing that Blonde wasn’t going to contend for Oscars and was a straight-up arthouse affair. Dominik’s cut is said to be rated NC-17. It was originally set to world premiere at the Venice Film Festival before being pulled out by Netflix late in the game … There is no word yet on a possible release date for Blonde and whether or not the rumour that this will also be submitted to the Sundance Film Festival is true.”