Marilyn Brings ‘The Misfits’ to Forte di Bard

It’s hard to imagine a greater contrast to the desert setting of Marilyn’s last complete movie than an historic Alpine fortress turned museum in the Aosta Valley region of Northwestern Italy. Nonetheless, Forte di Bard is currently hosting The Misfits by Magnum Photos, open now until September 17th, featuring images by Eve Arnold, Cornell Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Bruce Davidson, Elliott Erwitt, Ernst Haas, Erich Hartmann, Inge Morath and Dennis Stock.

Marilyn’s last visit to Forte di Bard was in 2012, when Bert Stern’s ‘Last Sitting‘ graced the venue. And Magnum’s Misfits exhibition was previously seen at Berlin Photo Week in 2022.

Thanks to Barbara at Marilyn Remembered