‘What If …’ All About Marilyn’s Alternative History

Marilyn’s first (virtual) magazine cover of 2024 features artist Sara Biddle’s digitally aged version of a 1953 glamour shot by Frank Powolny. Inside, there’s a four-page interview with Laura Saxby of the Our Marilyn Monroe website, discussing how Marilyn’s life and career might have developed had she lived beyond 1962. (Whether she’d still be rocking diamonds, furs and peroxide at 97 is another matter, though!)

What If … Book of Alternative History (Volume 2) is a spin-off ‘bookazine’ from the publishers of UK magazine All About History, and is currently available in digital format only. However, the first volume – featuring a similarly ‘aged’ photo of President John F. Kennedy – went to print, so I’ll keep you posted…

And finally, Marilyn also appears in the February issue (#138) of All About History, available now in hard copy (see here.)

UPDATE: What If … Alternative History is now available in ‘bookazine‘ format at newsagents across the UK, and can also be ordered online via Newsstand (though it’s selling out fast …)