‘Some Like It Hot’ in Edmonton, AB

Some Like It Hot is showing at the Metro Cinema in Edmonton, Alberta this Sunday, June 23, at 3:45 pm.

“What Billy Wilder has done – more so than any other director who worked with Marilyn Monroe – is apply Monroe’s screen persona in a way that engaged with her as a human instead of an overwhelming spectacle … Unlike her other leading roles, Monroe’s depiction of Sugar Kane isn’t a case of the actress imbuing the role with more depth, warmth, and colour than the script calls for … With Some Like It Hot, she was gifted with an intelligent script … So much of this film is about lying, costumes, and disguises. In the middle of the action is Marilyn Monroe, a performer who is at once artifice and reality … In Some Like It Hot, Billy Wilder bathes her in a halo of light as if she’s incandescent. Like Charlie Chaplin’s classic Tramp, Monroe’s Sugar is simultaneously a heart-warming, relatable character who is funny and sad but also a deliberate and calculated construction by a woman who really knew how to act.”

– Peter Piatkowski, PopMatters